Wednesday, 24 October 2018

GitHub Releases New Workflow Tools, 'Octoverse' Report

GitHub held its Universe 2018 conference at the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco Oct. 16, and it was quite a newsy event for the little gang of about 31 million developers who use the company’s 96 million repositories of open source code each day.

Those numbers are correct. That’s how large and in charge open source software has been for more than a generation and here in the waning months of 2018.

This event was largely about helping devs with building workflows that are: a) easy to do; b) realistic; and c) efficient. The company introduced some futuristic features that included GitHub Actions and GitHub Connect advance development workflows and break down barriers between teams.

GitHub also released new security tools with the GitHub Security Advisory API, new ways to learn across teams with GitHub Learning Lab for organizations, and other items.

“As a developer, you spend too much time configuring workflows—or get locked into inflexible tools as the industry evolves around you,” GitHub Senior Vice-President of Technology Jason Warner wrote in a blogpost. “We’re bringing the same tools you use while writing software to the rest of your development workflow, allowing you to focus on what matters most: code.”

Users can choose the developer tools, languages and deployment platforms they need most, supported by the ecosystem of GitHub Apps and integrations using the REST and GraphQL APIs, Warner said.

The company on Oct. 16 also released its "State of the Octoverse" report, which illustrates what the GitHub community can do in a year--such as creating 2.9 billion lines of code and promoting teamwork across time zones.

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